An overdraft is a credit extension provided by financial institutions that can be linked to your monthly salary. It can extend the credit of your account when it reaches zero, providing you with more liquidity in order to cover unforeseen expenses. If you have difficulty allocating payments for your monthly bills and often find yourself with no cash at the end of the month, then an overdraft will help you cover your basic needs.Designed to cover...
With a variety of loan options on the market, it is vital for consumers to know the differences, advantages and disadvantages each loan has to offer.A personal loan is one of the most sought-after loan products available today, as it does not usually require collateral. People turn to personal loans to cover personal expenses, pay off debt or even to finance medical expenses.Regardless of the reason, a personal loan can help people in times of...
Whether you’re a homeowner seeking to renovate the interior of your property, or a real-estateinvestor undertaking improvements, a home improvement loan can significantly increase thevalue of your assets. Design your property the way you have always envisioned and enhanceyour home with the benefits a home improvement loan has to offer.Additionally, with a home improvement loan you can fix any damages or physical deteriorationthe property...
Taking on a new loan is always a big decision and might seem like an insurmountable task. Consolidating your debts will make the process of managing your finances smooth and efficient. Consider the ability of combining multiple debts into a single debt pool, with more favourable remuneration terms, including lower interest rates, minimized monthly instalments, or even both.In order to deal with various types of debt such as student loans or...
There comes a time in every student’s life when they have to start thinking about university. Moving forward with higher education is an exciting time for students, as theybegin a lifelong journey of discovery, tapping into their professional potential andbuilding friendships that last.For most parents however, higher education usually means added expenses to theirmonthly income and a strain on their savings account. With rising costs...